Sunday 13 December 2020

Pump Engineering Basics


Pump Engineering Basics 

What is Pump:-

                                  Pump is machine or device used to lift water from lower level to higher level. Pump is a mechanical device, which raised the energy level of various fluids by converting kinetic energy imparted by its prime movers in to hydraulic energy.

Types of pumps :-

1. Positive displacement pump

2. Rotodynamic pump

Positive displacement pump:-

                                            Positive displacement pumps are those in which no rotating elements are present, in this pumps liquid is sucked and then pushed due to the thrust exerted on it by a moving member which result in lifting the liquid to required height. For example plunger pump, dosing pump, reciprocating pump.

Pump Engineering Basics
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Rotodynamic pump :-

                                 Rotodynamic pumps are those which have a rotating element called impeller, through which as the liquid passes its angular momentum changes, due to which the pressure energy of the liquid is increased.


Pump Engineering Basics

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