Friday 5 March 2021

What is gear terminology?

What is gear Terminology?

Gear Terminology

                        The terms used in connection with the measurement of gears are defined as follows.

Addendum Circle.

                  The circle which limits the top of the gear teeth and represents its maximum diameter is called addendum circle.


                  It is the radial height of the tool from the pitch circle to the tip of the tooth.


                  It is the radial depth of tooth from the pitch circle to the root of the tooth.


                 The radial distance from the top of the tooth to the bottom of the tooth space in the mating gears is called as clearance. 

Face of tooth. 

                 It is the side surface of the tooth above the pitch circle, perpendicular to the plane of the gear.

Flank of tooth. 

                It is the side surface of the tooth below the pitch circle, to the plane of the gear.

Tooth thickness. 

               It is the of the tooth, measured along the pitch circle.

Whole depth. 

               It is the sum of the addendum and dedendum of a tooth. Working depth. It is the greatest depth to which a tooth of one gear extends into the tooth space of a mating gear. 

Working depth = Addendum + Dedendum — Clearance

Dedendum Circle. 

               It is the circle which contains the bottoms of the tooth It is also called a root circle. Its diameter is the root diameter.

Pitch Circle. 

              In every pair of gears in mesh, the two circles representing the two plain wheels in contact are always assumed to Each Of these circles is called a pitch circle. Its diameter is the pitch circle diameter.

Spur gear Terminology
Image by Extrudesign via

Pitch point. 

                It is the point of between the pitch circles of two gears in mesh.
Crest of tooth. It is the outside surface of the tooth, perpendicular to the plane of the gear.

Root of the tooth. 

                It is the junction of the tooth with the material at the bottom of the tooth space.

Base Circle. 

                It occurs only in involute gears and is the circle from which the involute curve of the tooth profile is generated.

Circular Pitch. 

               It is the distance measured along the pitch circle, from a point on one tooth to a corresponding point on the adjacent tooth.
For a spur gear, Circular pitch, Pc=(π ×d)/T

            d = pitch circle diameter 
            T = number of teeth and 
            m = module .

Diametral Pitch. 

               It is the number of teeth per unit length of the pitch circle diameter

Diametral Pitch=(Number of teeth) T/ (Pitch circle diameter) d


              It is the linear distance in mm that each tooth of the gear would occupy, if the gear teeth were spaced along the pitch diameter.

               Module = (Pitch circle diameter) d / (Number of teeth) T

Thus, it is the reciprocal of Diametral pitch,

Pressure angle or angle of obliquity

              It is the angle which the common normal to the two teeth at the point of contact makes with the common tangent to the two pitch circles at the pitch point.

The standard proportions adopted by the Indian Standard Systems of the elements of an involute spur gear are given in table below

Name of tooth element


Gear tooth proportions (pressure angle 20o)




Pitch diameter


2 m






1,25 m

Working depth

2 ha

2 m

Tooth depth


2.25 m

Outside diameter

d' +2 ha

m(2 + 2)

Tooth thickness


1.5708 m

Radius of fillet


0.4 no to 005 cc



0.25 m

                   The recommended series of modules adopted by the Indian Standard System are 1, 1.25, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16 and 20. The modules 1.125, 1.375, 1.75, 2.25, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 7, 9, 11, 14 and 18 are of second choice.
                   The recommended series of Diametral pitches are 20, 16, 12, 10, 8, 7,6, 5, 4, 3, 2 1/2, 2, 1 1/2,1 1/4 and 1.

Reference - A textbook of METROLOGY by M. Mahajan


             A full article on What is gear Terminology? Thank you very much for reading full article. We have tried to provide as much info as possible, we hope you like the above information. If you have any questions or suggestions you can write it down in the comment box or mail us at Mail id given below.

Monday 8 February 2021

Energy Audit - Pumps

Energy Audit - Pumps

Many pump systems waste energy and money day after day. And you can determine whether your system is one of them. A pump audit will tell you exactly how much you could save by optimizing your system. And then you can achieve those savings.

Energy Audit
Image by Blue Haven Pools & Spas via

What's Pump Audit?

Simply put a pump audit is a check up of your pump system. It checks the overall efficiency of your pumps and reveals how much energy could be saved by switching to a different pump pipe line changes / modification. What is more, it clearly shows the monetary impact of those savings. Because what one can believe that energy conservation is most efficient when it benefits everyone.

Why Save energy ?

  • Energy is one of the key barometers in identifying a country's economic development and hence the more energy saved improves the country's security as also economy.
  •  Higher energy needs results in huge investments in the form of setting up power plants etc. 
  • Depleting natural resources; Oil will last for 45years, Gas 65years and Coal over 200 years - is quite disturbing and thus the need to save energy becomes inevitable.
  • Its an initiative for a clean, green and sustainable environment.


Why Pump Audit ?

  • While industry consumes 50% of the total energy expended, 20% of this is consumed by pumps.
  • 30-50% of this energy guzzled by pumps can be saved.
  • The life cycle cost of a pump reveal that the energy costs eats away 85%, maintenance costs 10% and the initial investment of the product meagre 5%
Below are the reasons which shows that the pump become a prime candidate for energy audit in the drive for energy conservation.

  • Old inefficient pump
  • Overdesign
  • Improper layout
  • Improper selection and operation



A pump audit  involves very little effort on your part thanks to the latest technologies. The pump auditing team will bring everything in one suitcase. And they will attach measuring equipment to your system, wait for the necessary data to be recorded, analyze the information and prepare recommendation for you.

The practicalities of pump audits

When it comes to carrying out the actual pump audit, many companies distinguish between three different measuring categories. which are follow 

  1. Countable values like flow and energy consumption 
  2. analogue values like pressure, temperature, water level
  3. incident rates such pump on/off and valve open/closed

Together, this information allows auditor to form an accurate image of the system's energy consumption. Each area is covered by special equipment.

Instruments used in energy audit

Many of the companies which are in to the field of energy audit use various equipment like flowmeter, pressure gauge (Calibrated), ammeter, voltmeter or power analyzer.

Ultrasonic Flowmeter
Energy Audit
Image by Elprocus via

Pressure gauge 

Energy Audit
Image by wika via

Power analyzer 
Energy Audit
Image by TEquipment via,g_center/w_1024,h_768,c_lpad/assets/1/26/Fluke435-II_Main.jpg

Process of energy audit 

  1. Short list the pumps for audit.
  2. Measurement of flow
  3. Measurement of pressure (Suction and Discharge)
  4. Measurement of energy consumption
  5. Calculating the systems efficiency
  6. Discussion with site engineer
  7. Mutually Finalizing the parameter
  8. Data analysis and recommendations (Piping modification if required)
  9. Final report 

What you can save?

A pump audit helps you take affirmative action in order to save energy. The pump audit tells you exactly how much you could save with new and more efficient pump and how long it takes to see a return on your investment.

You can cut your energy costs in half

When energy accounts for a staggering 85% of the total cost, that's where you can achieve real savings. In many systems, more than half of all the energy consumed by the pumps could be saved. Yes, more than half. It's not just something - it's something some of pump auditing companies have proven.

Shorten your payback times

The reduced energy costs alone mean that new pumps can pay for themselves in very little time. In each case, the pump audit report will show the exact number of months, usually around 18 to 20. After that, the savings translate into pure profit for you. Year after year.


A full article on Energy Audit - pumps. Thank you very much for reading full article. We have tried to provide as much info as possible, we hope you like the above information. If you have any questions or suggestions you can write it down in the comment box or mail us at Mail id given below.


Saturday 30 January 2021

Types of casing in centrifugal pump


Types of casing in centrifugal pump


             Casing is a Receptacle for enclosing the impeller both at the suction and delivery end so as to form a pressure vessel. Casings also provide supporting and bearing mediums for the shaft and impeller assembly.

Casings are of two types :-

  1. Volute Casing
  2. Diffuser casings.


Volute casing

             A volute is a curved funnel increasing in area to the discharge port. As the area of cross section increases, the volute reduces the speed of liquid and increases the pressure of the liquid.

Types of casing in centrifugal pump
Image by Intro to Pump via

           One the main purposes of the volute casing is to help balance the hydraulic pressure on the shaft of the pump. However, this occurs best at the manufacture's recommended capacity Running volute style pumps at lower capacity than the manufacturer recommends can out lateral stress on the shaft of the pump, increasing wear and tear on the seals and bearings, and on the shaft itself, Double volute casings are used when the radial thrusts become significant at reduced capacities.


Diffuser casing

              Diffuser casing have stationary diffusion vanes surrounding the impeller periphery that convert velocity energy to pressure energy. Conventionally , the diffusers are applied to multi-stage pumps.

            The casings can be designed either as solid casings or split casings. Solid casings implies a design in which the entire casing including the discharge nozzle is all contained in one casting or fabricated piece. A split casing implies two or more parts are fastened together. When the casing parts are divided by horizontal plane, the casing is described as horizontally split or axially split casing. When the split is in a vertical plane perpendicular to the rotation axis , the casing is described as vertically split or radially split casing . Casing wear rings act as the seal between the casing the impeller.

Difference between Volute and Diffuser Casing :-



      A full article on Types of casing in centrifugal pump. Thank you very much for reading full article. We have tried to provide as much info as possible, we hope you like the above information. If you have any questions or suggestions you can write it down in the comment box or mail us at Mail id given below.

Monday 25 January 2021

Different types of Gears with image

Introduction to Gears (What is Gears)       

               Gears are toothed wheels commonly used to transmit power or motion, from one shaft to another, without slip. They are thus positive in action and provide constant velocity ratio, a feature which most machinery requires.
                The transmission efficiency in case of gears is 99 percent. However, the errors present in the gears can interfere with the efficient operations of the equipment using them, e.g., machine tools, vehicles etc. The accuracy of gears, both as to their geometrical forms, size has a considerable effect on smoothness of operation, freedom from noise and length of working life. In addition to this for higher efficiency the gears should be perfectly mounted on perfect shafts running in perfect bearings. It is thus obvious that major factor which decides the accuracy of gearing is the precision with which gears are manufactured.
               Before use, therefore, it is essential to test and measure the gears precisely. The distance between the two shafts should be just sufficient in order to obtain correct meshing of gear teeth. If the distance is much more, a complete set of gears, known as gear train, is used, The velocity in gear drive should not exceed 250 m/min.

Different Types Of Gears

The gears which are most commonly used for power transmission are :

Spur gears

These gears have their teeth parallel to the center line bf the gear. These are used for transmitting the power between parallel shafts.

Types of Gears - Spur gears
Image by Wikipedia via

Helical gears

In these gears, the teeth are cut at an angle with the axis of gear, forming the part of helix around the gear. These gears are used for transmitting the power between parallel shafts as well as nonparallel and non-intersecting shafts. These are stronger and quicker in operation, as compared to spur gears. These gears run more smoothly and more quietly at high speeds than spur gears. However, some power is lost because of end thrust, and provision must be made to compensate for this thrust in bearings.


Types of Gears - Helical gears
Image by camnetics via

Bevel gears

In these gears the teeth are cut on the conical surface. These are used for connecting the driving shaft and driven shaft whose axes intersect and are generally at right angles. Bevel gears are made with either straight or spiral teeth when the shafts are at right angles and the two bevel gears have the same size, then such a pair of gears is known mitre gears.

Types of Gears- Bevel gears
Image by google sites via

Worm and worm wheel

These are used for connecting the driving shaft and driven shaft whose axes are non-parallel and non-inter-secting. Worm gearing is used where a large speed reduction is required.

Types of Gears - Worm and worm wheel
Image by kelston via

Rack and Pinion

Rack gears are straight spur gears with infinite radius. Pinion is a small spur gear. Rack and pinion are used in combination to convert rotary motion into reciprocating motion or reciprocating motion into rotary motion.

Types of Gears - Rack and Pinion
Image by GrabCAD via

Internal gears

These gears are employed for transmitting the power when the distance between two parallel shafts to be connected is less. Sufficient reduction in speed can be obtained in this case.

Types of Gears - Internal gears
Image by Thingiverse via


Since the involute profile gears are widely used, it is necessary to consider the involute curve in some details.

Gear teeth

The most commonly used forms of gear teeth are as below,

Involute and Cycloidal

The cycloidal gears are not generally used in modern engineering, but used for some crude purposes where heavy and impact loads come on the machine. Involute gears are now almost entirely used for general purpose in precision engineering.

The involute gears also called as straight tooth or spur gears possess the following advantages over the cycloidal gears.

1. The variations in the center distance between two gears have no effect on the velocity ratio between a pair of involute gears.

2. The pressure angle is constant.

3. The involute rack has straight teeth. Thus the complex involute form can be generated by using a relatively simple cutter.

4. All the gears having the same pitch and pressure angle work correctly together,

5. The face and flank of a tooth forms a continuous curve.

Reference - A textbook of METROLOGY by M. Mahajan


             A full article on Types of Gears. Thank you very much for reading full article. We have tried to provide as much info as possible, we hope you like the above information. If you have any questions or suggestions you can write it down in the comment box or mail us at Mail id given below.

Tuesday 19 January 2021

 हरिश्चंद्रगढ़ हिंदी ब्लॉग - एक अविस्मरणीय गढ़

हरिश्चंद्रगढ़ हिंदी ब्लॉग - एक अविस्मरणीय गढ़

                   हरिश्चंद्रगढ़ एक गढ़ है जो देखने में जितना खूबसूरत है उतना ही विश्वशनीय भी है। कोंकणकड़ा , कोंकणकडा से दिखने वाला इन्द्रध्वज, तारामती शिखर, तारामती शिखर से दिखने वाला सह्याद्रि और ऐसीही अनेक ख़ूबीआ। हरिश्चंद्रगढ़ अहमदनगर जिले के मालशेज घाट में स्थित एक बड़ी पहाड़ी है। और तारामती शिखर जिले की सबसे ऊँची चोटी है।

harishchandragad camping

हरिश्चंद्रगढ़ का इतिहास वास्तव में सराहनीय है और यही कारण है कि गढ़ प्रेमी इस किले के बारे में हमेशा उत्सुक रहे हैं क्योंकि इसका इतिहास और भूगोल वास्तव में अद्भुत है।

हरिश्चंद्रगढ़ का इतिहास

कई अन्य किलों की तरह, यह किला आदिवासी समुदाय के पास था लेकिन बाद में इस किले पर मराठा और मुगलों का इतिहास भी दर्ज किया गया। कुछ स्थानीय लोगों का यह भी कहना है कि इस किले का उल्लेख मत्स्य पुराण और अग्नि पुराण में मिलता है। मुगलों ने आदिवासी कोली समुदाय से किले पर कब्जा करने के बाद, मराठों ने मुगलों से किले को जीत लिया और 1747 के आसपास इस पर कब्जा कर लिया। कृष्णजी शिंदे उस समय किल्लेदार थे।

harishchandragad camping

हरिश्चंद्रगढ़ कैसे पहुंचे

चूंकि हरिश्चंद्रगढ़ बहुत बड़ा है, इसे पूरा करने में 1-2 दिन लगते । यहां पहुंचने के भी कई रास्ते हैं।

1। खिरेश्वर मार्ग से 

चूंकि पुणे जिले से खिरेश्वर के लिए सड़क आसान है, ज्यादातर पर्वतारोही इस मार्ग का उपयोग करते हैं। मुंबई जुन्नार जैसी यह सड़क मालशेज घाट से होकर गुजरती है, आपको खुबी फाटा जाना है। यदि आप पुणे से जाते हैं, तो आप आलेंफाटा से जा सकते हैं और कल्याण से, अगर आप मुरबाड-मालशेज से जाते हैं, तो आप खुबी फाटा जा सकते हैं। खिरेश्वर गाँव, खुबी फाटे  से 5 किमी की दूरी पर है। हरिश्चंद्रगढ़ के रास्ते में, खिरेश्वर गाँव में एक पुराना शिव मंदिर है, जिसे ग्यारहवीं शताब्दी का बताया जाता है। मंदिर के बाहर स्थित सबमांडप बहुत अच्छी तरह से बनाया गया है, भीतर के मंदिर के दरवाजे पर प्रभु विष्णु और उनके परिवार की सुंदर नक्शी है और पत्थर पर नरवाहन कुबेरूबेरी, मकरवाहन मकरती, मुशकवाहन गणेश जैसे कई नक्शीदार पत्थर पाए जाते हैं। इस गाँव से, दो भाग किले में जाते हैं। एक यह है कि तोलारखंडी से किले तक पहुंचने में लगभग 3 घंटे लगते हैं। दूसरा रास्ता राजदरवाजा की ओर जाता है, यह रास्ता पहले बहुत प्रसिद्ध (प्रचलित) था, यदि आप आज की घडी में जाना चाहते हैं, तो आपको मार्गदर्शक के साथ जाना चाहिए। अपने साथ पानी ले जाना न भूलें।

२। पाचनई के मार्ग से 

हरिश्चंद्रगढ़ पहुँचने का सबसे आसान तरीका पाचनई  से होकर जाना है। मुंबई-नासिक रोड पर घोटी गांव में उतरें। वहां से राजूर गांव चले जाये। आप राजूर गांव से किले तक दो तरह से पहुँच सकते हैं। आपको राजुर से पचनई जाना है, आप बस से राजूर से पचनई जा सकते हैं। पचनई, हरिश्चंद्रगढ़ का प्रारंभिक स्थान है। इसमें २.३०  से ३.००  घंटे लगते हैं। पचनाई से हरिश्चंद्रेश्वर मंदिर लगभग 4-5 किमी दूर है।

३। नळीची वाट 

नळीची वाट हरिश्चंद्रगढ़ का सबसे कठिन मार्ग है। यहाँ से पहुँचने के लिए, कोंकणकाड की तलहटी में बेलपाड़ा गाँव जाना पड़ता है। इस मार्ग को केवल तभी लिया जाना चाहिए जब चट्टान चढ़ाई ( rock climbing ) आ रही है, अन्यथा यह नहीं किया जाना चाहिए। इस तरह से ट्रेक करने में लगभग 10-12 घंटे लगते हैं।

हरिश्चंद्रगढ़ पे देखने जैसे स्थान 

1। हरिश्चंद्रेश्वर का मंदिर

हरिश्चंद्रेश्वर का मंदिर इस किले का केंद्र बिंदु है। इस मंदिर की औसत ऊँचाई 15-16 मीटर हे। इस मंदिर के सामने एक पत्थर का पुल है जिसके नीचे नदी बहती है। यह नदी तारामती शिखर से बहती हे। स्थानीय लोग इसे मंगलगंगा का स्रोत कहते हैं। वही नदी गाँव से होकर बहती है। मंदिर के चारों ओर कई गुफाएँ हैं। इनमें से कुछ गुफाओं में पानी है। यह पानी बहुत मीठा होने के साथ साथ बहुत ठंडा भी हे।

harishchandragad camping

२। केदारेश्वर की गुफा

हरिश्चंद्रगढ़ की यात्रा में देखने जैसा एक और स्थान केदारेश्वर गुफा है। इस गुफा में एक बड़ा शिवलिंग है। और यह गुफा चार स्तम्भ पर खड़ी है, जिसमें से तीन स्तम्भ गिर चुके हैं और केवल एक स्तम्भ बरकरार है। कहा जाता है कि ये चार स्तंभ चार युग हैं, अर्थात् सतयुग, त्रेतायुग, द्वापरयुग और कलियुग। तीन स्तम्भ गिर गए हैं इसलिए तीन युग समाप्त हो गए हे, जब चौथा स्तम्भ गिर जाएगा तो कलियुग भी समाप्त हो जाएगा। इस गुफा में कमर तक गहरा पानी है, और यह पानी बहुत ठंडा है।

३। कोंकणकाड़ा

हरिश्चंद्रगढ़ पर सबसे बड़ा आकर्षण कोंकणकड़ा है।कोंकणडा लगभग आधा किमी परिधि और अर्ध-वृत्ताकार आकार मे हे। यहासे पूरी सुंदरता केवल इसके कोने (edge)  पर सोने से अनुभव की जा सकती है (और सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बात यह ध्यान रखकर)। कोंकणकडा की ऊंचाई बेस से लगभग ४५०० फीट है। महाराष्ट्र में सबसे ऊँचा यह कोंकणकड़ा सभी को मोहित करता है। आप इस कोंकणकडा से इन्द्रध्वज भी देख सकते हैं। आप इस कड़ा से प्रकृति की सुंदरता भी देख सकते हैं।

४। तारामती शिखर

तारामती शिखर किले का सबसे उँचा शिखर है, जिसकी ऊँचाई लगभग ४८०० से ४९०० फीट है। इस शिखर में सात गुफाएँ हैं। एक गुफा में, भगवान गणेश की एक सुंदर और शानदार मूर्ति है जो लगभग ८ से ८.५० फीट ऊंची है। यहाँ से आगे हम तारामती शिखर पर जाते हैं। तारामती शिखर से आप नानेघाट, जीवधन, रतनगढ़, कालसुबाई, अज़ोबा पर्वत, हडसर, भैरवगढ़ देख सकते हैं। तारामती के शीर्ष पर भी २-३ शिवलिंग हैं।

harishchandragad camping

हरिश्चंद्रगढ़ के बारे में अधिक जानकारी

हरिश्चंद्रगढ़ ट्रेक का स्तर - मध्यम

क्षेत्र - मालशेज

शीर्ष पर पहुंचने का समय - खिरेश्वर के माध्यम से 4 घंटे, पचनेई से 3 घंटे, पाइप के माध्यम से 8-12 घंटे

अवधि - 2 दिन

हरिश्चंद्रगढ़ की ऊँचाई - लगभग ४०००-४५०० फीट

निकटतम रेलवे स्टेशन - कसारा


हरिश्चंद्रगढ़ ट्रेकिंग ब्लॉग में हमने हरिश्चंद्रगढ़ के बारे में अधिक से अधिक जानकारी प्रदान करने का एक छोटा सा प्रयास किया है, हमें उम्मीद है कि आपको यह ब्लॉग अच्छा लगा होगा। यदि आपके पास कोई टिप्पणी या कोई अन्य जानकारी है, तो आप टिप्पणी बॉक्स में लिख सकते हैं या हमें नीचे मेल आईडी में बता सकते हैं।

Monday 18 January 2021

Harishchandragad - Thrilling and Exciting

Harishchandragad - Thrilling and Exciting 

                   Harishchandragad is a fort that will make you fall in love. Konkankada, Rainbow(Indradhwaj) from Konkankada, Taramati peak, mesmerising view of Sahyadri range from Taramati peak and many more. Harishchandragad is a biggest fort/hill situated in Malshej Ghat in Ahmednagar district. And Taramati peak is the highest peak in the district.

 The history of Harishchandragad is truly admirable and that is why fort lovers have always been curious about this fort as its history and geography is truly amazing.


harishchandragad camping

History of Harishchandragad

Like many other forts, this fort belonged to the tribal community but later the history of Marathas and Mughals was also recorded on this fort. Some locals also claim that this fort is mentioned in Matsya Purana and Agni Purana. After the Mughals took possession of the fort from the tribal Koli community, the Marathas conquered it from the Mughals in about 1747. Krishnaji Shinde was the fort keeper at that time.

harishchandragad camping

How to reach Harishchandragad.

As we mentioned that Harishchandragad is very big, it should take 1-2 days to complete. There are also many ways to get here.

 1. Via Khireshwar

 Since the road from Pune district to Khireshwar is easy, most of the trekkers use this route. The road Mumbai Junnar passes through Malshej Ghat, you have to go to Khubi Phata. If you are traveling from pune, you can go from Alephata and from Kalyan, via  Murbad-Malshej, you can go to Khubi Phata. khireshwar village is 5 km from khubi phata, you have to walk upon a dam. On the way to Harishchandragad, there is an old lord Shiva temple in Khireshwar village which is said to be in the eleventh century. The sabhamandap(Auditorium) outside the temple is very nicely made, there are beautiful carvings of lord Vishnu and his family on the door of the inner temple and many such carvings like Narvahan Kuberkuberi, Makarvahan Makarrati, Mushakvahan Ganesha are found on the stone. From this village, you will see two routes towards top. one of it takes about 3 hours to reach the fort from Tolarkhindi. The other way leads to the rajdaravaja, this way was very famous (prevalent) before, if you want to go in today’s time; you should go with local guide. Don't forget to take water with you.

2. Via Pachanai

The easiest way to reach Harishchandragad is from Pachanai. Get off at Ghoti village on Mumbai-Nashik road. From there, go to Rajur village. You can reach the fort from Rajur in two ways. You have to go to Pachnai from Rajur, you can go up to pachani by bus from rajur. Pachanai is the starting point of Harishchandragad. It takes 2.30 to 3.00 hours. The temple from Pachanai to Harishchandreshwar is about 4-5 km.

3. Nalichi vaat

This is the most difficult route to Harishchandragad. To reach by nalichi vaat, one has to go to the village of name Belpada at the foothills of Konkankada. This route should be taken only if you are pro rock climber, otherwise not recommended. It takes about 10-12 hours to trek this way.

Places to visit on Harishchandragad

1. Temple of Harishchandreshwar

The temple of Harishchandreshwar is the centrepiece of this fort. The average height of this temple should be around 15-16 meters. In front of this temple is a stone bridge under which the river flows. This river flows from the top of Taramati. The locals call it the origin of Mangalganga. The same river flows through the village. There are many caves around the temple. Some of these caves have water in them. This water tastes very sweet and the water is very cold.

harishchandragad camping


2. Cave of Kedareshwar

Another place worth visiting on Harishchandragad is Kedareshwar Cave. There is a big Shivling in this cave. And this cave stands on four pillars, out of which three pillars have fallen and only one pillar is intact. It is said that these four pillars are the four era, i.e. Satyug, Tretayug, Dvaparayug and Kaliyug. Three eras have passed so those three pillars have fallen, when the fourth pillar falls, the Kali Yuga will also end. This cave has waist-deep water, and this water is very cold.


3. Konkankada

The biggest attraction on Harishchandragad is Konkankada. The Konkankada is about half a km in circumference and semi-circular. This whole beauty can only be experienced by sleeping on the edge (and most importantly by taking care of yourself). The height of the konkankada is about 4500 feet from the base. The highest Konkankada in Maharashtra captivates everyone. You can also see the rainbow(Indradhwaj) from this. You can see the beauty of nature from this konkankada.


4. Taramati peak

Taramati Peak is the highest peak in the fort, with an elevation of about 4800 to 4900 feet. There are seven caves in this peak. In one of the caves, there is a beautiful and magnificent idol of Lord Ganesha which is about 8 to 8.50 feet high. From here onwards you can go to Taramati peak. From Taramati peak you can see Naneghat, Jeevdhan, Ratangad, Kalsubai, Ajoba Parvat, Hudsar, Bhairavgad. There are also 2-3 Shivlings on the top of Taramati.

harishchandragad camping
harishchandragad camping

More information about Harishchandragad

Level of Harishchandragad trek

 Region - Malshej

Time to reach the top - 4 hours via Khireshwar, 3 hours via Pachnai, 8-12 hours via nalichi vaat

Duration – 2 days

Harishchandragad height - about 4000-4500 feet

Nearest railway station - Kasara



In Harishchandragad Trekking Blog we have made a small effort to provide as much information as possible about Harishchandragad, we hope you enjoyed this blog. If you have any comments or any other information, you can write in the comment box or let us know in the mail id below.